When there's nowhere left to run, is there room for one more... post about the referendum?
If the answer's 'no' - I hear you bro, no offence taken.
But if there is, then here's the Lucky Man's observation...
For a political campaign to be effective, its central message must be rooted in one of our core motivational values.
That way, it can transcend its specific scope and imply the fulfilment of something bigger.
And thereby not only win hearts and minds, but motivate the requisite action (get out and vote) as well.
So when the campaign kicked off in February, I was most curious to see which motivation each side's strategists would select as their emotional anchor.
Given its long stated goal was independence and freedom, the Leave camp was almost obliged to choose Autonomy - which it duly did, expressing this via the potent invitation to 'take back control'.
So now it was over to Remain.
In our lives, we all experience a fundamental tension between wanting to follow our own individual path and wanting to be an accepted member of a bigger group: we are constantly seeking the right balance between standing out and fitting in, as we instinctively know that both are essential to a happy and successful life.
So given that Leave had gone with the 'individual path' end of this continuum, to maximise contrast the obvious move for Remain was to embrace the opposite 'bigger group' end, and anchor the campaign around Affiliation (connection with others.)
But instead, it chose Security.
This was, we're told, because it had become political lore that a late flight to perceived safety had determined the Scottish independence vote in 2014, and would do so again this time.
And perhaps the inherently conservative nature of a Security narrative instinctively appealed more to the Conservative leaders of the Remain team than the more social(ist) leaning Affiliation one.
But this choice, in the Lucky Man's humble opinion, proved a significant strategic mistake.
As I see it, there were two major disadvantages to Security, as compared with Affiliation:
1) Security is entirely Prevention orientated - it is about stopping loss from occurring - while Affiliation can support a meaningful Promotion angle - the world can be a better place for all of us if we get together. This Prevention orientation led to Remain coming over as a purely 'negative' campaign, soon to be tellingly lampooned as 'Project Fear'.
2) Messages about preventing loss inevitably appeal most to those with the most to lose. And given the uneven distribution of financial assets across the UK today, that meant the over 55s. But it was clear from the start that this was a demographic that would lean heavily, and often inconvertibly, towards Leave - partly because much of it had long been more afraid of a different and more emotionally compelling form of loss, relating to memory, identity and sense of belonging. And those, of course, who felt they had little to lose in the first place were understandably left cold by a 'don't throw it all away' plea.
For me, the-Remain-ad-that-got-away was a modern telling of the classic 'Hilltop' narrative of the 70s - I'd like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company, etc.
In this putative Affiliation based execution, the peoples of Europe would somehow have been shown coming together, if not in perfect harmony, at least in an exciting and inspiring spirit of curiosity, connection and mutually beneficial co-operation.
(A bit like a good day in a Euros fan zone, as I was fortunate enough recently to experience.)
There would have been no voiceover, as the more that's explicitly stated, the more there is always to logically counter-argue - just a powerful visual narrative, stirring soundtrack and a 'Vote Remain' sign-off at the end.
If the resulting story board had been focus group pre-tested, I'm sure it would have been rubbished for its lack of 'facts' and persuasive rational argument.
But if it had run, I'd bet it would have entered the electorate's unconscious and had a powerful influence.
Just one last thing, as it's high time to move on.
Wouldn't Stay have proved a much more emotionally compelling brand name than Remain?
Remain is associatively what objects do, like residue in a test tube after a chemical experiment.
Stay is what people do, particularly when they're in a relationship.
As such, stay pulls much more at the heartstrings.
It's much harder to reject an appeal to stay than one to remain.
Songwriters instinctively know this.
Should I remain or should I go?
Oh won't you remain... just a little bit longer?
Remain with me...
Not quite the same, is it?
Yes, it was probably only a small thing.
But then again, 4 points is quite a small number.